PaperWorkBPM, a leading provider of intelligent business process management (IBPM) software for businesses of any size, and SU Consultancy, today

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Companies have invested a large amount of money and time in their SAP systems. Along with the systems’ license fees,

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When it comes to digital transformation, many people are worried about whether integrating more digital procedures will benefit their company

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The year 2020 has changed everything, not only for our personal lives but for business. Companies have forced to adapt

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Today many companies are going “back to basics” with a renewed focus on core operating costs. Having an efficient and

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Poor process automation and lost documents cause delays in the processes that can drive risky workarounds that not only affect

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The world is fast changing. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many companies to re-evaluate and re-align priorities to the new

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There are a lot of questions around what digital transformation is. One of the main misconceptions is that digital transformation

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