Category Blog Posts

How to Effectively Manage Purchase Requests

Effective purchase request management is a critical function of any organization, ensuring that the organization’s procurement process runs smoothly and efficiently. A poorly managed purchase request system can result in delays, inefficiencies, and cost overruns, significantly impacting the organization’s bottom line. Organizations can take several steps to avoid these issues to make purchase requests easier, more efficient, and streamlined. As a workflow automation platform, PaperWorkBPM understands the complexities involved in managing purchase requests.

One of the key features of PaperWorkBPM is its ability to automate the purchase request process. PaperWorkBPM automates many of the manual processes involved in purchase request management, helping reduce errors, improve efficiency, and provide greater visibility into the purchasing process. With PaperWorkBPM, users can easily submit purchase requests online, which can be accessed from anywhere and at any time. This eliminates the need for manual paper-based requests, reducing the risk of errors and delays.

Establish a Clear Purchasing Process

The first step in making purchase requests easy is establishing a clear purchasing process. The purchasing process should clearly define the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved in the process, from the person making the request to the person approving it and the person responsible for ordering and receiving the item or service. This process should also include a timeline for each step to ensure that purchase requests are handled promptly and efficiently.

PaperWorkBPM’s drag-and-drop workflow designer makes it easy for users to customize the process to match their specific procurement processes. Users can add or remove steps, define rules, and configure notifications to ensure that purchase requests are processed quickly and efficiently. With PaperWorkBPM, users can establish a clear and transparent approval process, including the levels of approval required, the approvers’ roles and responsibilities, and the timeframe for approval. PaperWorkBPM sends automated notifications to approvers, ensuring that purchase requests are processed quickly and efficiently.

Use a Purchase Request Form

A standardized purchase request form can ensure that all necessary information is collected for each request. The purchase request form should include details such as the item description, quantity, estimated cost, and account codes. The form should also provide clear instructions on how to fill it out and what information is required. This can help collect all necessary information for each request and reduce the likelihood of errors and delays.

With PaperWorkBPM, users can easily submit purchase requests online, which can be accessed from anywhere and at any time. With our drag-and-drop form designer, users can easily create custom purchase request forms that capture the specific information required for their procurement processes. This eliminates the need for manual paper-based requests and ensures that all necessary information is collected for each request, reducing the risk of errors and delays.

Set a Clear Approval Process

The approval process is a critical step in the purchase request process. It is essential to establish transparent approval processes to ensure that purchase requests are processed in a timely and efficient manner.

PaperWorkBPM provides a clear and transparent approval process, including the levels of approval required, the approvers’ roles and responsibilities, and the timeframe for approval. PaperWorkBPM sends automated notifications to approvers, ensuring that purchase requests are processed quickly and efficiently, reducing delays and ensuring the organization’s procurement process runs smoothly.

Centralize the Purchase Request System

A centralized purchase request system can streamline the process by ensuring all requests are submitted to the same location, tracked and managed efficiently. This system should include a central repository for purchase requests, a tracking system for approvals, and a notification system to alert stakeholders of changes in the status of a request. This can help ensure that purchase requests are managed efficiently and that all stakeholders are informed throughout the process.

PaperWorkBPM provides a centralized repository for purchase requests, allowing users to track and manage requests from a single location. This can help reduce the risk of lost or misplaced requests and improve visibility into the purchasing process.

Another benefit of using PaperWorkBPM for purchase request management is that it enables budget control throughout the procurement process. With our platform, organizations can set budget limits for each purchase request, track spending in real-time, and analyze spending trends over time. This helps organizations manage their spending and reduce costs, ensuring that purchase requests are processed efficiently while staying within budget, improving the overall performance of the procurement process.

PaperWorkBPM’s reporting capabilities enable users to generate reports on purchase requests, approvals, and spending. This provides valuable insights into the procurement process, enabling organizations to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions. These reports can help organizations identify areas where costs can be reduced, enabling them to make data-driven decisions to improve procurement performance.

In conclusion, managing purchase requests can be a challenging and time-consuming process for organizations. However, with PaperWorkBPM, organizations can automate the process, making it easy, efficient, and streamlined. PaperWorkBPM automates many of the manual processes involved in purchase request management, reducing errors and delays, improving efficiency, and providing greater visibility into the purchasing process. By offering easy customizations through drag-and-drop workflow and form design, budget control features, and advanced reporting capabilities, PaperWorkBPM enables organizations to streamline their procurement process, reduce costs, and save time and money.

With PaperWorkBPM, organizations can establish a clear purchasing process, use a standardized purchase request form, set a clear approval process, and centralize the purchase request system. This helps to ensure that purchase requests are processed quickly and efficiently, reducing costs and improving overall procurement performance.

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İş Başvurusunda Bulunan Çalışan Adayları İçin Kişisel Verilerinin İşlenmesine Dair Aydınlatma Beyanı


1. Veri Sorumlusu ve Temsilcisi

6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Hakkında Kanun (“KVKK”) uyarınca, GG Soft Yazılım Hizmetleri A.Ş. (“PaperWork”) olarak, veri sorumlusu sıfatıyla,

Online iş başvurusu yapacak olan çalışan adaylarımızın kişisel verilerini aşağıda açıklanan amaçlar kapsamında; hukuka ve dürüstlük kurallarına uygun bir şekilde işleyebilecek, kaydedebilecek, saklayabilecek, sınıflandırabilecek, güncelleyebilecek ve mevzuatın izin verdiği hallerde ve/veya işlendikleri amaçla sınırlı olarak 3. kişilere açıklayabilecek/aktarabileceğiz.

2. Kişisel Verilerinizin İşlenme Amacı

Başta KVKK mevzuatı olmak üzere ve ilgili mevzuat kapsamında, online iş başvurularında PaperWork ile paylaştığınız / paylaşacağınız kimlik, iletişim, askerlik durumu, mesleki deneyim, eğitim, görsel ve işitsel kayıtlara dayalı kişisel verileriniz, çalışan adaylarının başvuru süreçlerinin yürütülebilmesi, insan kaynakları faaliyetlerinin mevzuata uygun yürütülmesi, saklama ve arşiv faaliyetlerinin yürütülebilmesi ve sonuçlanabilmesi amacıyla işlenebilecektir. Bu kapsamda bahsi geçen kişisel verileriniz, işlenme amacıyla uygun süre zarfında fiziksel veya elektronik ortamda güvenli bir şekilde saklanmaktadır.

PaperWork tarafından kişisel verilerin korunmasına ilişkin olarak KVKK başta olmak üzere ilgili tüm mevzuatta öngörülen yükümlülüklere uygun hareket edilmektedir.

Online iş başvurusu ile elde edilen kişisel veriler; Kanunun 5. Maddesinde belirtilen;

Bir sözleşmenin kurulması veya ifasıyla doğrudan doğruya ilgili olması kaydıyla, sözleşmenin taraflarına ait kişisel verilerin işlenmesinin gerekli olması,
Veri sorumlusunun hukuki yükümlülüğünü yerine getirebilmesi için zorunlu olması,
Bir hakkın tesisi, kullanılması veya korunması için veri işlemenin zorunlu olması,
İlgili kişinin temel hak ve özgürlüklerine zarar vermemek kaydıyla,
veri sorumlusunun meşru menfaatleri için veri işlenmesinin zorunlu olması,
“İlgili kişinin rızası” hukuki sebeplerine dayalı olarak otomatik yolla işlenmektedir.

3. Kişisel Verilerinizin Aktarılması

Açıklanan amaçlar kapsamında işlenen yine yukarıda belirtilen kişisel verileriniz; KVKK’da öngörülen temel ilkelere uygun olarak çalışan adayı seçme ve yerleştirme süreçlerinin yürütülmesi amacıyla 1. Maddede belirtilen PaperWork ile ürün ve hizmet alıcılarına aktarılabilecektir.